Prose: Recognized


“…And there they meet with happiness at last…” the Story-Teller has finished the narration, closing the book and beholding faces of listeners in the light of evening st

Here and There

“Hi, There!” joyfully cried Here, embracing his brother. “Where have you been hiding for so long recently? All of us missed you greatly!”

Not them!

Disaster came – and you were standing apart. This position was convenient for its ambiguity and, as you secretly called it, flexibility.

Tough one

You are the tough one – and that lies out of doubt's borders. Dreadfully respectable type!

Ill one

“So you are saying “love”. And what’s a thing is that, exactly? Did anyone ever touch it with his hands?


Rat-beauty rules over nasty women


“Good evening!” roared the TV. “What are we going to watch today? Porno, seamy side, domestic squabbles, LOL, gangster romanticism, soap operas, endless politics?


“You are so amazing and wonderful, so… ritual!” the Rituality flatteringly cooed to the man’s ear.

Who is Who


Issued to: citizen Who.


The Man looked back and became stupefied.