Once upon a time, the Fool was traveling by a long journey of life, carrying on his hunched back a backpack which was filled with Nonsense. Somehow in this long venture, he met with a Wiseman who was coming in a different direction.
The Wiseman saw a worn-out face of the Fool and asked:
“What have you left behind your back, traveler? You bear something so heavy that it has already spoiled all joy of your way.”
“I am carrying Nonsense!” the Fool answered him proudly.
“No matter how far you brought it, it won’t bring you happiness,” replied the Wiseman. “Look, there is almost no place left for a piece of wisdom inside your swag. Perhaps it would be wise to leave this burden behind you?”
“No way!” answered the Fool. “Under no circumstances, I will part away with it!”
“But why?” asked the Wiseman, being puzzled with such nonsense. “Have you no desire to become rich with Wisdom?”
“With my own eyes, I observed how millions of other people were carrying Nonsense on their backs, dragged it, filled their mouths with it – all in attempt to take as much of it as possible with them. And this means that it possesses something unimaginably valuable.”
“And what have you imagined of its value?” smiled the Wiseman.
“I will go on carrying and talking Nonsense!” the Fool replied him sharply. “No matter what its final cost will be!”