About the Ukrainian tragedy

Recently, in connection with the special operation conducted by Russia in Ukraine, which many of the questioners unequivocally call a war, forgetting, however, whom and what Russia is actually fighting right now, Russians are too often being asked the very same sacramental and tricky question: “Do you support this special operation?”, with questioners expecting to hear a firm or not so “No” in reply, only to pour another portion of their own spiritual dirt over the respondents.

“This is a tragedy for Ukraine,” many of them wail. “Innocent people keep suffering because of the evil and cruel Russians.”

Yes, it really is a tragedy.

This is a tragedy for Ukraine because, having become infected with many European forms, it eventually naturally adopted and nurtured in its heart the most terrible of them all – the form with the swastika. Being separated in its eastern and central parts from the Russian womb, which had previously reliably preserved and protected it, under the leadership of a bunch of traitor politicians, cowards, and fools, deceived by the false hope of entering the illusory European paradise that so attracted her, raped by the NATO-American military machine, like a ragamuffin she eventually was thrown into the mud on the side of historical roads. The hundred-year-old families of European aristocrats have never really needed her, never perceived her as their sister or a daughter – yet only as a whore for the most perverted of amusements, as a weapon against Russia, as a testing ground for venom.

This is a tragedy for Ukraine because people who once wear Russian names and surnames, people of distorted and perverted history, under the poisonous stream of bitter-sweet media lies that have been poured into their ears for years, have ceased to consider themselves Russians. Because they imprinted Nazi tattoos on their mortal bodies and made the mass-murderer Bandera their brightest national star. Because, having taken torches in their arms, they, like shadows in the night, strode in orderly rows through the streets of Kiev and Lvov, proudly carrying his portraits and shouting their all-too-common slogan about the glory that never existed. Because in this hatred, under the strict guidance of camp instructors, they raised their children to be the same haters.

This is also a tragedy because, having sworn in this way to the otherworldly darkness, they stopped considering part of their own people as humans – those of them who did not want to accept it into their souls. And for the sake of the cherished unrealizable dream of Ukrainian-European happiness, filled with anger towards those who saw their way together with Russia, they were ready to shed the blood of their own kind. To shed the blood of the innocent by turning themselves into executioners-punishers. Cowardly and shamefacedly, for many years after the bloody traitors came to power inside it, the residents of Ukraine turned their faces away from the tragedy, the glow of the fire of which flared up in the country’s east from the shells of neo-Nazi battalions. Time and again they tried to convince their screaming with pain souls that there is no fascism in Ukraine and there cannot be. Well, and as for the “separas”… these eastern separatists deserved their death. Many, so many of those who call themselves Ukrainians turned out to be ready to turn a blind eye to this because it was not their beloved ones who were forever closing their eyes. So much can be traded for the dream of independence from Russia only to later fall before their European lords!

And for this cruel choice made in the delusion of their own minds, they were cursed by God, and this is also a tragedy. The tragedy of the “Berkut”, who desperately fought against the insane barricade hordes armed with “Molotov cocktails” only to find itself unable to defeat political betrayal. The tragedy of the Odessa sailors who looked at those burned alive in the “House of Trade Unions”, but were too afraid to speak out against the Kiev junta. The tragedy of Slavyansk, which became a temporary stronghold of the struggle against punitive battalions, yet did not find mass support among its own population.

All this is a tragedy of the death of millions of souls. The tragedy of fascism revived under skillful Western guidance. The tragedy of destroyed fates and families. The tragedy of the animosity sown by the beast between those who were once a single nation. The tragedy of independence-on-blood.