About conductors of ideas

The new becomes old, and the old take on new colors and forms. In their pride and ignorance, people believe that they are the authors of the ideas that are spread around the world, although in the vast majority of cases they are no more than conductors. Epoch after an epoch, previously forgotten ideas once again touch their minds and, once being perceived and realized, are revealed in destinies of men.

The readiness to perceive ideas depends on the direction of consciousness. Evil-minded souls become conductors of harmful and unworthy ideas, while pure souls naturally aspire to ideas of righteousness and beauty according to the rule of spiritual magnetism that is invisible to them. Finding a suitable conductor and guide, each idea gets a chance to be implemented.

Opposing ideas come into inevitable conflict with one another, colliding their bearers against each other, yet the battle of ideas goes far beyond individual human destinies. Such battles for an idea sometimes become the most uncompromising of all. Those societies who have absorbed harmful ideas eventually come to their inevitable decline, and those who have accepted life-giving ideas – to their natural flourishing.

Scientific discoveries, cultural and creative ascensions, and downfalls, changing concepts of social structure, the logic of historical events – all of them are the result of the prevailing social ideas in those moments. All of them are the result of the direction of human consciousness, the ratio of purity and dirt of implemented ideas.

Much like human souls, ideas bear the potential trait of immortality and can either live forever or die shortly after their birth. Who creates and spreads those ideas that change the living fabric of manifested worlds by the hands of their carriers? The answer to this question lies outside the borders of the concept of the world that is familiar to many.